Your “90 Day Run” – How to Hyper Accelerate Your Validus Business Growth and IncomeThe 90 Day Run is all about one thing, MASSIVE ACTION and MASSIVE RESULTS.Many Networking Marketing leaders head 90 Day Run’s at the beginning of the year and see exponential momentum and growth from their teams.The 90 Day Run is a challenge that will take you out of your comfort zone and require nothing but the best of yourself!Run alongside other VALIDUS Leaders starting 1st February.Prepare by reviewing the below resources carefully, make your plan ASAP, and track your success.Just DECIDE and DO IT! Life rewards decisions and action. In 90 days, you will be very happy that committed to your success. 1] An Intro from our President, Mansour Tawafi 2] Why Do a 90 Day Run – by Eric Worre 3] How To Do a 90 Day Run – by Eric Worre 90 DAY GAME PLAN NOTES: Below are points from Eric Worre’s 90 Game Plan from preparation to execution.5 STAGES TO A 90 DAY RUNDecisionPreparationPre LaunchThe 90 DaysPost 90 DaysDESIGNING YOUR 90 GAME PLANPick a Theme:General GrowthNew RankRe-QualifyStop Crawley (prove something to yourself)Do It AgainCREATE YOUR 90 DAY STORYWhy are you doing this?What results are you expecting?How will people benefit?What kind of people are you looking for?What is your strategy to make it happen?What kind of support are you going to offer?PREPARATIONPersonal Commitment / Schedule / SacrificeNegotiate with familyEliminate all the distractionsUnshakeable CommitmentPick your launch datePRE-LAUNCHRecruit your inner circleShare your visionWhisper campaignWarm up your contactsLAUNCHAll Out Massive ActionTime Commitment – (low/medium/high) how many hours would you give if you had a guarantee the 90 days was going to change your life?Focus on RecruitmentFocus Exclusively on Income Producing Activities – Making more– [ ] Contacts– [ ] Inviting– [ ] Appointments– [ ] Presentations– [ ] Follow Up– [ ] Zooms– [ ] Blitz days– [ ] Sizzle calls– [ ] Social media– [ ] 3-Way Messaging, calls & Zooms (very effective)Do NOT Stop For 90 DaysTime ManagementEmotion ManagementDistraction ManagementContinue personal recruiting until your team demands your timeThen duplicatePOST-LAUNCHRestDon’t make it look like your resting 4] 90 Day Run Testimonials – by Eric Worre 90 Day Resources:Invite TrainingvSuccessTeam TrackerMemory JoggerWarm Script