US CORPORATE REGISTRATION: There are several non-related companies called Validus around the world. Our is “VALIDUS INTERNATIONAL LLC”, and is US-registered:
BUSINESS FOR HOME: Established in 2007, Business For Home is the most credible and well-known research firm on home businesses. VALIDUS was the first company ever to achieve a “AAA+ Rating” in its first year:
SHARIAH-COMPLIANT: VALIDUS is committed to upholding internationally recognised Shariah standards set by the Accounting and Auditing Organisation AAOIFI and IFSB Validus Shariah Compliance Certificate.
CREDIBLE ARTICLES: Articles from credible third-party companies:
Once you have reviewed the above information, please decide what suits you best:
a] Wish to get started: the person who referred you will guide you. b] Have questions and wish to explore further: ask for a 3-way call/zoom with an expert (you will enjoy this), or attend a live group presentation.
or c] Timing may not be right: that’s ok too, just let us know when to touch base next.
Kindly contact the person who shared the information with you and let them know if you are an A, B or C.